Charitable Grants from The Claflin Foundation in Point Pleasant, WV

Making a Difference in Our Mason County Community
The Robert and Louise Claflin Foundation was established in 2009 for the purpose of providing financial support to projects, groups, and citizens of Mason County, WV. It is a non-profit 501c3 tax exempt organization created for charitable purposes. Robert and Louise Claflin resided in New Haven, WV and attended the First Church of God of New Haven. Although Louise Claflin was a native of Mason County, Robert Claflin moved from Massachusetts as a young man to begin his long-time career with Vanadium Corporation, also known as Foote Mineral Company in WV. He received his education in the Northeastern University chemist program and was a financial contributor as an alumnus.
Without children of their own, the couple immersed themselves in community and church activities and focused on personal health and wellness. They enjoyed reading and strongly firmly believed in academic achievement in the educational setting. They realized the betterment of self in the classroom was life. The couple devoted themselves to the care of stray animals in the community by providing food, companionship and sometimes, shelter to cats and dogs. For most information about the Claflin Foundation, please call (304) 675‑1360.
Robert and Louise Claflin Foundation Offers Competitive Grants
Personal Health/Wellness
Personal health and wellness relates to learning healthy lifestyles, striving to reduce death and disability due to chronic disease and injury, and their associated risk factors, and promoting health communities.
Literacy relates to improving the success of children and adults in improving reading skills and accessing books and technology to become successful in jobs, academic settings and using the latest technology.
Education relates to any topic over the lifespan, which may occur in the traditional classroom and in the non-traditional setting.
Arts and music relates to the development and stimulation of interest in visual or preforming arts and the appreciation and learning of music.
Animal Care, Health Maintenance, and Prevention
Animal care, health maintenance, and prevention relates to the adoption, spraying, and neutering, shelter and care, and vaccinations for pets. This includes creating and supporting programs that save the lives or homeless pets, and promote healthy relationships between people and pets, and benefiting animal welfare.